In the present study total ten heavy metal resistant Pseudomonassp were isolated from Tannery waste water from Unnao (U.P) India, against Nickel, Chromium and Zinc. All the isolates exhibited high resistance to heavy metals with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for heavy metals ranging from 100µg/ml to 1200µg/ml. All isolates showed multiple tolerances to heavy metal and were multi antibiotic resistant. Heavy Metal Tolerance Test indicated maximum microbial tolerance of Pseudomonassp (Ps-6&9) to Nickel (400 µg/ml) and no growth was found at 200 µg/ml to Zinc. All the Pseudomonas isolates were found to have a wide range of multi-drug and multi-metal resistant property indicating the tannery waste effluents are highly enriched which supports and spread of Antibiotics and heavy Metal tolerant microbes in the environment.
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