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The study of the effect of C-PAP therapy in type-II diabetic patients with obesity and obstructive sleep apnea
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Sleep Apnea, Apnea Hypo-apnea Index (AHI), Type II diabetes mellitus, Continuous positive air pressure therapy (C-PAP), Obesity

How to Cite

Dey Sarkar , P., Kumar, A. ., Gopal, K. ., Kachhawa, P. ., & Singh , S. . (2019). The study of the effect of C-PAP therapy in type-II diabetic patients with obesity and obstructive sleep apnea. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 8(4), 18-21.


Type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is closely associated with Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and obesity. Type 2 diabetes and OSA may be pathophysiologically independent conditions although the joint association with obesity or visceral adiposity. There is a consistent relationship between obesity and OSA, which has been reported in 60-90% of OSA patients. The prevalence of obesity increases with a parallel increase in the prevalence of OSA. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is an effective choice of treatment for OSA, an overnight test, or titration some patients may reduce apnea events by minimizes airway collapse by CPAP. Several studies showed that the effect of drug treatment with 3 months of C-PAP in patients with type 2 diabetes. In the present study, we include 300 patients in different groups, out of the 100 patients undergoing treatment of CPAP therapy minimum for three months. Blood sugar, HbA1c, and lipid profile were measured and an overnight sleep study was done. The obtained data shows the significant effect of therapy on physiological and biochemical parameters. AHI and BMI were highly significant in group II and Group III when compared to group I. FBS, HbA1C, and Lipid profile parameters also gave significance results (p-value <0.001) in group II and group III when compared with healthy subjects (group I).
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How to cite this article:

Sarkar PD, Kumar A, Gopal K, Kachhawa P and Singh S. The study of the effect of C-PAP therapy in type-II diabetic patients with obesity and obstructive sleep apnea. Int. J. Res. Dev. Pharm. L. Sci. 2019; 8(4): 18-21. doi: 10.13040/IJRDPL.2278-0238.8(4).18-21

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