Background: rational prescription of antibiotics in acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) requires predictive markers. Acute phase reactants are capable of demonstrating the inflammation; however, they cannot be employed to make a difference between bacterial and non-bacterial causes of the inflammation. The bacterial infection plays an important role in the exacerbation of COPD patients. Recently, measurement of serum procalcitonin levels appears to be useful in order to minimize this problem. We aim to evaluate the prognostic and diagnostic.Methods & methods: 51 COPD patients with bacterial exacerbations, 47 patients without bacterial exacerbations, similar age and sex were included in the study. PCT levels in the serum samples were measured in all subjects.Results: Procalcitonin levels ranged from 0.01 to 12.03 ng/ml. Mean levels were 3.18±2.60 ng/ml in Group I and 0.23±0.39 ng/ml in Group II. Median values in Groups I and II were 2.98 and 0.09 ng/ml respectively. Statistically, there was a significant difference between two groups (p<0.001) with Group I showing a higher mean value as compared to Group II. A significant near strong correlation was observed between TLC levels and serum Proclacitonin levels (r=0.699; p<0.001). However, a weak negative and borderline significant correlation.
Conclusions: This study found increased PCT serum levels among AECOPD patients and suggests a role for PCT in the predicting of the bacterial exacerbations and their needs for ventilator support. We recommend other large studies to augment our endings.
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