- What is an Open Access?
Open Access is the practice of effectively providing unrestricted access to the peer-reviewed scholarly articles published in a scientific journal through the Internet. Our Open-Access system is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
- Who retains the copyright?
Authors retain the sole copyright of their work, under the terms outlined by the Creative Commons licenses while allowing others to copy, distribute, and use the work in a non-commercial way. The user of the information should acknowledge the author of the original work.
- What is the Scope of the Journal?
To know about the scope of the particular Journal, please go through the “Aims and Scope” section provided in the Journal Home Page. Each Journal is having this specific section in detail. If you have any further query, please contact the journal of your interest through the Email-ID provided in the Journal site.
- How can I check Indexing and Archiving of Journal?
To know about the indexing status of a particular Journal, kindly go through the “Indexing” section provided in the Journal Home Page.
- How can I submit an article for publication?
You can submit article through online on our website after creating an account.
- Where can I find a detailed description on manuscript guidelines for article submission?
All the details pertaining to the article submission a described in the respective journal’s 'Instructions for Authors’ web page.
- Is there any page limit for writing manuscripts?
There is no page limit for regular or special issue manuscripts, but editorial articles should not exceed 2000 words.
- How many days it will take for Review Process/ Publication of article?
All the articles undergo through review process for about of 60 days from the initial date of submission.
- How can I know the status of the article?
A corresponding author may view the status of their submitted manuscript using the username and password on our website. All the authors will also be notified through email every time as the status of manuscript processing changes.
- What kind of manuscripts do you publish?
Currently, we publish review articles, research article, case reports, and clinical studies.
- What is a special issue?
A special issue refers to the additional issue release other than the regular issue, containing a collection of articles pertaining to a specific topic. The special issue is handled by one of the Editors or by Guest Editor with a specific and suitable title within the scope of the respective journal.
- How can I contact the Journal Editorial Office?
You may contact the journal’s editorial office by clicking “Contact us” in the toolbar.
- Can I be reviewer in IJRDPL journal?
Yes, we welcome scientists from academia, industry, government to be part of the review panel. You can submit request through the link available on our website, after approval from editorial office, your profile shall be available in reviewer panel of the respective journal.
- How many authors are allowed in one article?
Not more than six authors should be included in one article.