Objectives- We aimed to evaluate the levels of circulating MMP-2, MMP-9 and TIMP-2 in pre-invasive stage patients, cervical carcinoma patients and healthy women.
Methods - It was hospital based case-control study conducted at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, India. Included numbers of cases were 84 with equal number of controls. Diagnosis of cases was made through biopsy – proven cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia or cervical cancer. Peripheral blood samples were collected from cases and controls. Expression was evaluated in serum samples by ELISA method.
Results- Significant differences were found in the serum levels of total MMP-2 in cases as compared to healthy controls (P<0.05). (CIN I 200.70 ± 2.45 ng/ml = 137.77±9.59, p value= 0.000), CIN II (257.00±23.96 = 137.77±9.59, p value= 0.000), CIN III (249.40±5.21 = 137.77±9.59, p value= 0.000) and in CC
(318.41± 10.17 = 137.77±9.59, p value= 0.000). Significant differences were also found in the serum levels of total TIMP-2 in CIN I (315.90 ± 6.40 pg/ml = 332.94± 14.46, p value= 0.000), CIN II (225.10±11.90 = 332.94 ± 14.46, p value= 0.000), CINIII (189.80± 4.96 = 332.94± 14.46, p value= 0.000) and in CC (148.94 ± 11.00 = 332.94± 14.46, p value= 0.000).
Conclusion- In the present study we conclude that mmp-2 and TIMP-2 may play role in progression in cervical carcinogenesis in North Indian population.
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