The present study is an attempt to develop a Matrix type transdermal system capable of delivering the selected antidiabetic drug Repaglinide in the desired therapeutic concentration for prolong period. The principle of transdermal drug delivery systems is to deliver drug across epidermis to achieve systemic effect over a prolonged period of time. Because of these attributes, transdermal drug delivery systems offer many advantages such as reduced side effects, improved patient compliance, elimination of first-pass metabolism, and sustained drug delivery. Anti-diabetic drug which is important for the treatment of hyperglycemic disorders. This category of anti-diabetic drugs is rapid and almost completely absorbed from the GIT following oral administration, but undergoes extensive first pass metabolism. Therefore, the peak plasma concentration occurs rapidly and after a single oral dose and bioavailability is 56%, the half-life of elimination is 1 hour in normal subject. Hence, it is required to design a drug delivery system which may deliver anti- diabetic drug Repaglinide in controlled manner for a prolonged period to circumvent the drug related side effects. Considering all these problems associated with oral administration of anti-diabetic drug Repaglinide, attempt has been made to develop transdermal drug delivery system in order to achieve a better release pattern.
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