Peer Review, UGC Care
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Percutaneous absorption mechanism, trans-epidermal pathway, follicular and glandular pathway, skin permeation kinetics, Mathematical modelling.

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Bhowmick, M. ., & Sengodan, T. . (2013). MECHANISMS, KINETICS AND MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF TRANSDERMAL PERMEATION- AN UPDATED REVIEW. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 2(6), 636-641. Retrieved from


Percutaneous absorption involves passive diffusion of substances through the skin. The mechanism of permeation can involve passage through the epidermis itself or diffusion through shunts, particularly those offered by the relatively ubiquitously distributed hair follicles and eccrine glands. While exceptions to the rule are acknowledged, it is now generally believed that the trans-epidermal  pathway  is  principally  responsible  for diffusion  across  the skin. Far more  often than not, the main resistance encountered along this pathway arises in the stratum corneum. The phenomenon of percutaneous absorption can be visualized as consisting of a series of steps in sequence: sorption of a penetrant molecule onto the surface layer of stratum corneum, diffusion through it and the viable epidermis, and finally, at the papillary layer of the dermis, the molecule is taken up into the microcirculation for subsequent distribution. Knowledge of skin permeation kinetics and Mathematical modeling is vital to the successful development of transdermal systems.

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How to cite this article:

Bhowmick M., Sengodan T., “Mechanisms, Kinetics and Mathematical Modelling of Transdermal Permeation- an Updated

Review”, Int. J. Res. Dev. Pharm. L. Sci., 2013, 2(6), pp.636-641.

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