Emotional intelligence is being regarded as evolved form of human’s attention in organizations and recognized as new tools in order to restore quality performance of managers of organizations. Goal of this research is to discuss relationship between emotional intelligence and performance of technical managers of administrative units of Shahid Sadoghi Medical Sciences University in 2015. The method is descriptive-measurement from square research fields. The statically society consists of all technical managers of health centres and networks of Shahid Sadoghi Medical Sciences University of Yazd in 2014-2015. In this research, the sampling was not performed and all population were selected as consensus. The tools for measuring are Shering emotional intelligence with 33 questions. Then, the data were analysed by SPSS-20 and multivariable regression analysis. The statistical results showed that there is significant relationship between manager’s performance and gender, year’s background and self-awareness and there is not significant meaningful relationship between self-control, self-stimulation, sympathy, social skills and emotional intelligence.
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