Introduction: Hospitals are considered one of the most important units of presenting services in health system and investigating qualities of presented services are so important in them.
Methodology: This study is analytical-descriptive and geodesic. 285 of providers related to health services have been investigated by random sampling in Motahari and Peymanie hospitals of Jahrom. Data of the study were collected by using questionnaires of Paterson occupational performance and analyzing qualities of ServqualParasuramanservices and colleagues. To analyzing data, descriptive and illative statistical methods were used. In illative statistics, firstly by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, normality of variables was investigated in each hypothesis of study and then by using correlation, regression and Freedman tests by SPSS22 software, investigating the confirmation or refusal of study hypotheses has been performed.
Findings: Findings indicated thatonlyinaccountability aspect, the difference between expectation and perception was positive and it indicated the satisfaction and in other aspects there are negative gaps. Also, we achieved positive and meaningful relations between aspects of trust and assuring related to qualities of services in 01.0 meaningfulness level and empathy aspect in 05.0 meaningfulness level with occupational function and also aspects of trust and assuring respectively with 285.0 correlation coefficient in 05.0 meaningfulness levelwith could predicate some changes of occupational function.
Conclusion: Qualities of services in medical and service centers and related to health lead to promotion in occupational function.
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