Background and goal: Ergonomics is a science that tries to design equipment and machines of work place regarding body and mental abilities of human. Ergonomics can reduce difficulties due to work place as for restoration of it. Since nursing is one of the stressful occupations, thus, recognition of tension factors can reduce stress and treatment. This study was performed in order to discuss relationship between being aware of ergonomics of work environment and occupational stress of nurses in educational hospitals of Kermanshah.
Materials and Methods: this study is descriptive-analytic one which was performed on 289 people of nursing experts who practiced in educational hospitals of Kermanshah. Two questionnaires like aware from ergonomics and occupational stress has been used. Analysis of data was performed by SPSS 2 and by descriptive-analytic method for exploration factor, regression and Pearson correlation factor was meaningful level 0/05.
Results: there is significant relationship between awareness of nurses on ergonomics and occupational stress (r-0.177). Also, there is direct relationship between biological factors and occupational stress (r/558). Similarly, there is direct significant relationship between activity in different work place and occupational stress (r/188) and finally, there is direct significant relationship between activity in unsuitable physical environment and occupational stress of nurses (r/485).
Conclusion: the application of ergonomics remarks and sufficient education play vital role in increasing utilization of nurses. Therefore, one of the operational aims of nursing and hospitals faculties is to educate professional health.
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