Objectives: To determine the prevalence of hepatitis C infection among the patients attending antenatal clinic (ANC) of a rural teaching hospital, Sangareddy. Materials and Methods: A total of 1381 serum samples were gathered from pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic during the period from January 2015 to December 2015.
Results: Among 1381 pregnant women, only 3 women were seropositive for HCV. The prevalence of HCV in this study was 3 (0.21%). Among affected 0.44% was belongs to an urban area, 0.17% belonged to a rural area. Among affected women 0.19% was housewives and 0.54% was daily workers. The recorded age range was 18 to 45 years-old. The distributions of seropositive cases of HCV were two in age between 21-30 years, one in age between 18-20 years.
Conclusion: Hepatitis C seroprevalence among pregnant women in this region is low; it is still advisable for pregnant women to be screened for HCV. So more studies are required to identify risk factors, the importance of HCV and treatment programs. So increasing awareness of transmission and regular screening for HCV among pregnant women is recommended.
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