Objectives: The present study was designed to evaluate the antiulcer activity of petroleum ether extract of Beta vulgaris L.
Methods: Present study was designed to investigate the antiulcer activity of petroleum ether extract of Beta vulgaris L. Wistar rats were used and divided into three groups. Group one to three received tween 80 (negative control), aspirin (Positive control), and 200mg/kg of petroleum ether extract of Beta vulgaris and aspirin respectively. After 12h fasting period, aspirin 200mg/kg orally administered to group two and three. Rats were sacrificed 5h after aspirin treatment. Stomach was analyzed for histological changes.
Results: Aspirin control shown damaged gastric architecture with dead neutrophils and pus formation of gastric mucosal layer, whereas rats pretreated with petroleum ether extract showed few inflammatory cells presented only in the base of the mucosal layer.
Conclusion: Results of this study showed that, pretreatment with petroleum ether extract of Beta vulgaris L. provided moderate significant protection against aspirin induced gastric ulcers.
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