Objectives: The present study was to assess ICT kit used in the screening process of HBsAg among blood donors in a rural teaching hospital, sangareddy.
Materials and Methods: In this study 1050 number of blood units were collected from donors containing both voluntary and replacement donors for a period of one year from January 2015 to December 2015. 1050 donors are tested for HBsAg by using ICT kit and ELISA method.
Results: We found 17 out of 1050 subjects tested positive for HBsAg by using ICT kit and ELISA.
Conclusion: The present study concludes that the overall performance of the rapid ICT kit for HBsAg was equally sensitive to ELISA and yet they were cheap and quicker. It can be recommended that ELISA comparable rapid devices may be allowed to be used for initial screening of hepatitis B especially, in remote areas or where cost is an issue.
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