Objective: The study was conducted to probe thoroughly the choice factors, program expectations, the near actual picture of clinical practice and future aspirations of the Pedodontic Post Graduate students in India.
Study Design: A questionnaire containing 20 questions was electronically mailed to 417 post graduates. 213 respondents were finally included in the study.
Results: The results show that 38% students always wanted to be a pedodontist. 73.7% respondents were satisfied with their choice. More than 50% believed the post graduation program was not adequate to start practice immediately after training.
Conclusion: The results depict that the knowledge and practice about certain areas like use of fluorides, practice of fixed orthodontic and use of myofunctional therapy should be increased. Thus, it can be concluded that pediatric dentistry being a dynamic branch, should be looked upon with the aim to raise the level of education and clinical practice which subsequently may increase the satisfaction level of the post graduates.
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