ABSTRACT: The main objective of the present study was to evolve and characterize the microspheres for colon specific target delivery of Ondansetron HCl for the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Methods: Ondansetron HCl loaded microspheres were devised by using emulsion solvent evaporation method. HPMC and Ethyl cellulose were used as polymers.
Results and Discussion: The preformulation compatibility studies between drug, excipients and microsphere formulations were carried out by Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR). The optimization of the process and formulation was done with respect to the different parameters like drug-polymer ratio, stirring speed, volume of internal phase and amount of emulsifying agent. The microspheres were filled into hard gelatin capsule shells which are sealed and coated with ethanolic solutions of ethyl cellulose and shellac. Drug release profile of microspheres was investigated in GIT pH specific media (O.1M HCl & Phosphate buffer pH 6.8). The FTIR spectra showed that no chemical interaction or changes take place during perpetration of formulations. The drug was stable in all the formulations. The process parameter modulation results showed that the production yields and particle size was decreased with increased stirring speed and increasing the volume of internal phase.
Conclusion: In-vitro drug release study of all ondansetron HCl loaded microsphere formulations OF1-OF4 show the release of drug released by non-Fickian diffusion n<0.85.
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How to cite this article:
Kumar S, Kaur R and Sharma R K.Formulation and evaluation of Microspheres for Colon targeted delivery of Ondansetron.Int. J. Res. Dev. Pharm. L. Sci. 2018; 7(5):3083-3091.doi: 10.13040/IJRDPL.2278-0238.7(5).3083-3091.
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