Introduction: Treatment of panfacial injuries or panfacial fractures often requires tracheostomy or alternating intubation through the nose and the mouth to keep the field free during the operation [1]. The oral route for tracheal intubation can interfere with some maxillofacial surgical procedures and the nasal route can be contraindicated or impossible. Tracheostomy is the usual solution in these circumstances but it carries a high incidence of complications [2].
Methods: We used submandibular route for tracheal intubation as an alternative to tracheostomy in panfacial fracture patients. Submandibular intubation technique was performed in 20 patients.
Result: During and after the procedure we had no complications and no increase in operative time.
Conclusion: The apparent ease in performing the technique with minimal or no complication made it our choice of securing the airway in se lected patients undergoing maxillofacial surgical procedures.
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