Over the past few decades’ biotechnology – sometimes described as the oldest profession in the world – has evolved into a modern technology without which medical progress would be scarcely imaginable. Modern biotechnology plays a crucial role both in the elucidation of the molecular causes of disease and in the development of new diagnostic methods and better targeted drugs.
These developments have led to the birth of a new economic sector, the biotech industry, associated mostly with small start-up companies. For their part, the more established healthcare companies have also been employing these modern techniques, known collectively as biotechnology, successfully for many years. By studying the molecular foundations of diseases they have developed more specific ways of combating diseases than ever before. This new knowledge permits novel approaches to treatment, with new classes of drug – biopharmaceuticals – attacking previously unknown targets.
This short report has attempted to analyze some of the important areas of biotechnology. The focus was on the organism aspects of biotechnology and not on the more complex areas such as dewatering, drying, and extraction/purification. We shouldn't expect too much too soon from biotechnology. There are some very promising results that have been obtained from ongoing experiments, but there is still a long way to go. Things like insulin and monoclonal antibodies should become available quite quickly so a simple classification of all the biotechnological products is given here for an easy market use.
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