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Serum, Cerumen, Saliva, HBeAg, HBV-DNA.

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Parizad , E. G. ., Parizad, E. G. ., Khosravi, A. ., Amraei, M. ., Valizadeh, A. ., & Davoudian, A. . (2015). COMPARING HBV VIRAL LOAD IN SERUM, CERUMEN, AND SALIVA AND CORRELATION WITH HBEAG SERUM STATUS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEPATITIS-B INFECTION. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 4(6), 1867-1874. Retrieved from


Background: Hepatitis B is a disease that is prevalent worldwide and is responsible for 10% of the deaths that occur every year. The virus persists in 5% of infected adults and 90% of infected children and can cause chronic hepatitis. In addition to blood, the virus may also be present in other secretions; transmission through saliva, sexual fluids, and urine has been confirmed.

Objective: The main aim of this study is to compare viral DNA copies in the serum, cerumen, and saliva of patients by evaluating serum HBsAg and HBeAg levels.

Materials and Methods: Serum, cerumen, and saliva samples were collected from 50 patients whose disease was diagnosed about a year prior to the study. ELISA was performed in order to determine the presence of HBsAg and HBeAg in the gathered specimens. Viral DNA was extracted from the aforementioned specimen using kit(Qiagene) Subsequent to extraction, the number of viral DNA copies was determined using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay.

Results: Twenty-eight percent of the patients were HBeAg positive. The average number of viral copies in serum, cerumen, and saliva was highe r in women than in men, and a meaningful correlation was observed between gender and average viral copies (P<0.012). However, no meaningful correlation was observed between viral copies present in the serum and cerumen and age and gender. In addition, no correlation was observed between serum HBeAg and viral copies present in serum, cerumen, and saliva. A Pearson’s correlation test confirmed a direct and definite correlation between viral DNA loads in the patients’ serum and cerumen (Pearson correlation= 0.97).

Discussion and Conclusion: A significant direct correlation was observed between viral DNA copies present in patients’ cerumen and serum. However, the correlation between saliva viral load and serum and cerumen viral load was very slight and inverse. These findings suggest that the presence of HBV in non-invasive specimens(such as cerumen and saliva)should also be evaluated when monitoring patients to determine the course of infection and disease.

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