This study was designed to investigate the effects of combination of omega-3-fattyacids and simvastatin on lipoproteins, in patients with mixed dyslipidemia. Among the 371 patients screened 312 who met the inclusion criteria after 6weeks on a strict diet therapy were grouped into two treatment groups. The inclusion criteria were mixed dyslipidemia with a high triglyceride level (200-499mg per 100ml) and a total cholesterol level more than 200mg per 100ml.Retrospective study was conducted on dyslipidemicpatients receiving simvastatin alone (20mg)and combination of simvastatin (20mg)andomega 3 fattyacidssupplements (4gm)daily for 12weeks. The lipoproteins level were monitored. After 12 weeks treatment, triglycerides level (Tc, TG, HDL, LDL) was found significantly decreasedin the combination therapy (Simvastatin and Omega-3-fatty acids) than the simvastatin monotherapy. From the result it is concluded that combination therapy may be considered as an optimal treatment option for patients with mixed dyslipidemia.
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