OBJECTIVES: The current study was planned to evaluate the effect of fresh extract of root of Argemone mexicana on female reproductive system.
METHODS : The fresh extract was prepared by using 0.2 kg of the Argemone mexicana roots, which were collected, washed thouraghly and cut into small pieces, grounded by adding 50 ml of water, 5 ml of cooking oil and 0.5 g pepper. Finally the extraction was filtered and the filtrate was administrated orally. On the day of sacrifice animals were anesthetized with ether anesthesia and carefully dissected for the uterine horns, immediately weighed and fixed with 10% buffered formalin for 48 h, followed by automatic tissue processing which was carried on the Yorco automatic tissue processor (YSI-3) and processed for embedding by standard histological techniques. Statistical analysis was done by using Sigma Plot 10 statistical software.
RESULTS: In the present study body and uterine weight showed slight increase in treated group. The uterus microscopic structure showed unaltered histo-architecture with respect to myometrial and perimetrial thickness in treated and control groups while the endometrial thickness was found to be more in the treated group.
CONCLUSIONS: We can conclude from the present study that the treated group exerted a profertility effect in the female Wistar rats this is indicated by the increased thickness of endometrium. Further studies are required with Argemone mexicana root to determine the mechanism of action that leads to endometrial thickness increase and thereby exerts profertility effect.
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