Objective: To investigate total body clearance and mean residence time after single oral dose of tamoxifen in female healthy subjects focusing on two concepts pharmenzymonetics and pharmgeonetics for the first time in Pakistan.
Methodology: Two parameters were investigated in eight healthy female subjects after single oral dose of 20mg tablet Nolvadex brand. Blood samples were collected and plasma concentration was determined by Gradient HPLC method to evaluate the total body clearance and mean resident time. Subjects were kept under observation for 4 weeks detecting any adverse signs or symptoms.
Results: Value of total body clearance mean ±SE was 39.7 ± 0.55 L/Hr/Kg and that of mean residence time MRT is 15.18 ± 0.19 Hours. There were no adverse signs reported during 4 weeks of direct observation of subjects after oral single dose. Blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and appearant activity of subjects remained normal.
Conclusion: The total body clearance and MRT of tamoxifen is greater as compared to literature value in the healthy females of Pakistan due to pharmgeonetics.
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