This study is mainly focused on the ability of polymer to increase the bioavailability of Furosemide and to release the drug in controlled predetermined manner. The polymers selected for the study include natural and synthetic polymer like Chitosan and sodium HPMC based on their physicochemical properties. The mucoadhesive buccal patches were prepared by solvent casting method. The prepared patches were subjected to physical evaluations, in vitro diffusion studies and stability study. All the formulations have shown good adhesive property, tensile strength, folding endurance, thickness, pH and moisture content. The diffusion studies have shown that the percentage drug release is from natural polymer (chitosan) based patches is more than the synthetic polymer (sodium HPMC) (89.5% to 97.89%) with chitosan based mucoadhesive patches and 72.97 to 88.75 patches prepared with sodium HPMC in 6 hours. The In vitro drug release, evaluation, stability and accelerated stability studies of the mucoadhesive patches shown that the formulation containing natural polymer 2% has the promising results with 97.89% drug release within 6 hours, folding endurance 211+2, patch thickness 0.7mm, surface pH 6.7, % swelling index 36% moisture content 3.3,tensile strength 2.94+3kg/cm2.
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