The oral cavity is an attractive site for the delivery of drugs. Through this route it is possible to realize mucosal (local effect) and transmucosal (systemic effect) drug administration. In the first case, the aim is to achieve a site-specific release of the drug on the mucosa, whereas the second case involves drug absorption through the mucosal barrier to reach the systemic circulation.Absorption through the buccal mucosa overcomes premature drug degradation due to the enzyme activity and pH of gastro intestinal tract, avoids active drug loss due to presystemic metabolism, acid hydrolysis and therapeutic plasma concentration of the drug can be rapidly achieved. The adhesive properties of such drug delivery platforms can reduce the enzymatic degradation due to the increased intimacy between the delivery vehicle and the absorbing membrane. However, per oral administration of drugs has disadvantages such as hepatic first pass metabolism and enzymatic degradation within the GI tract, that prohibit oral administration of certain classes of drugs especially peptides and proteins. Consequently, other absorptive mucosa is considered as potential sites for drug administration. Transmucosal routes of drug delivery offer distinct advantages over per oral administration for systemic drug delivery.
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