miRNAs are responsible for gene silencing and has functions in various diseases like cancer. miRNAs are responsible for cancer and at the same time act as tumor suppressors. The work mentioned here is based on study on differentially expressed miRNAs for squamous cell carcinoma target genes in the metabolic pathways. The study focused on combination of miRNA and their target genes for squamous cell carcinoma as well as how they are involved in metabolic pathways. miRNAs were categorized into normal, up-regulated and down-regulated genes. Prediction of target genes for miRNAs followed by developing a relationship between them was done. miRNA target genes involved in metabolic pathways which were studied for squamous lung carcinoma. miRNA target genes were docked with argonaute protein. Docking was done in order to understand how miRNA tend to bind to target gene. Results added information to the study of how miRNAs targets genes in various metabolic pathways. The expression level of miRNA is different in different conditions which can be modified as a result of defects in the miRNA biogenesis pathway.
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