Green Chemistry is considered as a significant tool to mitigate the use of hazardous chemicals. It encourages innovation and promotes the creation of products that are environmentally and economically sustainable. Synthetic chemicals which are used as internal indicators in acid- base titrations being hazardous can be substituted by using the natural indicators which gives results with the same accuracy. The accuracy of the observed results has been examined by performing titration between different acids and bases. Results supported this by less variation in the mean value and titre value from that of synthetic indicators. Thus, the use of natural indicators in the acid base titrations is statistically proved. The natural indicator prepared from flower petals is neither harmful to the environment nor it causes any health hazard. Therefore, in this work the use of natural indicator like petal extract is concluded more economical, simple, harmless, pollution free and inert.
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How to cite this article:
Lavanya D, Guna shekhar G, Purushothom A, Pallavi A. Green Chemistry: A study on acid-base indicator property of various flower pigments. Int. J. Res. Dev. Pharm. L. Sci. 2018; 7(6): 3155-3163. doi: 10.13040/IJRDPL.2278-0238.7(6).3155-3163
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