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Patient-Provider Relationship: Compliance with Care
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Compliance, Patient Satisfaction, Communication Skills, Empathy, Trust; Patient Comprehension, Motivation, Primary Care

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Mohiuddin, A. . (2018). Patient-Provider Relationship: Compliance with Care. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 7(6), 3138 - 3149.


The Provider-Patient Relationship (PPR) is a novel concept of medical sociology in which patients voluntarily approach a doctor and thus become a part of a contract in which they tend to abide with the doctor's guidance. It has been proposed that an ideal PPR has six components, namely voluntary choice, practitioner's competence, good communication, empathy by the doctors, continuity, and no conflict of interest. In fact, a poor PPR has been proved to be a major obstacle for both doctors and patients, and has eventually affected the quality of healthcare and ability of the patients to cope with their illness. Owing to poor PPR, patients does not show compliance with doctor advice completely; opt for practitioner -shopping by changing their practitioner repeatedly; remain anxious; may choose quacks or other non-scientific forms of treatment; significant increase in direct and indirect medical expenses. Because of recurrent change in line of treatment as per the advice of different practitioner and non-completion of the entire course of drugs, there is a definite scope for the emergence of antimicrobial resistance, which further compounds the medical cost and anxiety, and finally may develop serious forms of disease or complications. From the practitioners' perspective, they may ask for unnecessary investigations or may give over-prescriptions, just to be safe. There is also observed a remarkable decline in human touch or empathy; and a significant rise in unhealthy competition among doctors.
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How to cite this article:

Mohiuddin AK. Patient-Provider Relationship: Compliance with Care. Int. J. Res. Dev. Pharm. L. Sci. 2018; 7(6): 3138-3149. doi: 10.13040/IJRDPL.2278-0238.7(6).3138-3149

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