Objectives: Ovarian cancer (OC) is a most dangerous gynecological cancer affecting women aged mostly in 50s and above due to its poor prognosis. mtDNA has been emerging as a prime hotspot candidate for the progression of OC. Thus, the objective of the present study was to investigate polymorphisms in COX - 2 gene in mtDNA by using PCR RFLP.
Methods: In the present study, detailed questionnaire and consent forms have been obtained from the OC patients and the age - matched controls. Blood samples from OC patients (n = 72) were collected from oncological clinics, and by population-based survey in South India. Control subjects (n=72) who had no history of tumors were selected and they were matched for age, sex and race. Peripheral blood was collected to detect polymorphism in the COX - 2 gene using PCR - RFLP.
Result: In the present study, we found that OC patients with COX - 2 CC homozygous genotype showed higher risk for OC progression, whereas, the GG genotype in controls revealed its protection against the OC risk.
Conclusion: In conclusion, our results suggests that, COX - 2 CC genotype may contribute to the development of OC pathogenesis. Though genetic polymorphism investigation was very limited to modulate the OC risks, the outcome of this study may help in future genotypic analysis. Thus, in future more genetic studies are warranted to prove that genotypic variation, mutations in COX - 2 would be a prime factor in Ovarian Carcinogenesis, and it can be used as candidate biomarker in treatment strategies.
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How to cite this article:
Iyer M, Jayaramayya K, G. Bupesh, Kumaran SS. Identification of mitochondrial DNA profiling (COX - 2) in ovarian cancer patients - A population-based study in South India. Int. J. Res. Dev. Pharm. L. Sci. 2019; 8(1): 25-28. doi: 10.13040/IJRDPL.2278-0238.8(1).25-28
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