Introduction: Misuse of antibiotics is perceived as a real problem in Albania. And in recent years it has attracted the attention of grey literature in the country. Quantitative analysis of consumption showed a relatively high antibiotic us. The pharmacists were tested on their tendency to dispense antibiotics without prescription.
Methodology: A random survey was conducted for this study. Statistical analyses were made with OpenEpi®. Research group personnel were instructed to ask the question "I need to get a package of amoxicillin", when posing as simulated patients in pharmacies. The main outcome of the s tudy was considered percentages of approval of this request.
Results: Out of 450 pharmacies visited in this survey, in 259 pharmacies tested the request for dispensing antibiotic without production was approved (80% of tested pharmacies, Confidence Levels 75.57% - 84.26%). Generally some questions (like age or possible allergies) were asked from pharmacists before approving the request of dispensing the antibiotic without prescription. The results of the survey suggest that dispensing of antibiotics without prescription is very common in Albania: The research group personnel were generally asked for further information before approving the request.
Conclusions: Different actions should be taken in the country to enhance compliance with regulation and protocols regarding dispensing antibiotics. These actions can be focused on regulatory enforcement and also in enhancement of awareness on antibiotic misuse and microbial resistance through public campaigns or targeted messages to professionals.
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