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Freezing, steaming, proximate, microbial, Cyprinus carpio.

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Gandotra, R. ., Gupta, S. ., Koul , M. ., & Gupta, V. . (2015). INFLUENCE OF STEAMING ON THE PROXIMATE AND MICROBIAL QUALITY OF FROZEN MUSCLE OF CYPRINUS CARPIO (LINN.). International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 4(3), 1533-1539. Retrieved from


An experiment was carried out to study the effect of freezing on the proximate and microbial quality of raw and steamed muscle of Cyprinus carpio stored for a period of 21 days. The proximate composition (protein, lipid, moisture and ash) and microbiological analysis was carried out at an interval of 7 days. The total percental decrease was 8.84%, 24.37 , 2.71%, 35.15% in raw samples and 6.50%, 21.96%, 2.12%, 20.48% in steamed sam ples respectively. A significant increase in protein & lipid content and decrease in moisture content was observed during steaming. Results also revealed that the protein, lipid, moisture and ash content decreased during the entire storage period in both the samples. However, the microbial load was found to be significantly increased (p≤0.05) during the entire storage period. Results showed that the microbial count of steamed samples was significantly lower than those in control samples (p<0.05).

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