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Irsa, Physicochemical, Phytochemical, Standardization.

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Haleem, A. ., Latif, A. ., Rauf, A. ., Siddiqui , N. ., & Rehman, S. . (2015). PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND PHYTOCHEMICAL STANDARDIZATION OF IRSA (Iris ensata Thumb.). International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 4(3), 1498-1505. Retrieved from


Unani Medicine possesses a large number of Drugs used in upper respiratory tract infectious (URTI) diseases as mentioned by eminent Unani Physicians based on their own long term experience and good results. A doubt always remains in mind regarding the standardization of Unani drugs and scientific validation for their use in infectious diseases. It provides the analytical characteristics which may prove to be useful in fixing the physicochemical standard for the Unani herbal drugs. Physicochemical and Phytochemical Standardization is considered a prerequisite for the assessment of biological activity or determination of biological standards of the plant material. So, a study was designed to standardize herbal drug –Irsa Irsa (Iris ensata) belong to the family Iridaceae, its root is used in respiratory diseases such as asthma, cough, diphtheria and pneumonia. An effort has been made to carry out the physicochemical and phytochemical studies of plant.

  1. ensata was standardized on physicochemical parameters as Extractive Values: pet. Ether (2.9%), di-ethyl ether (4.58%), chloroform (2.20%), acetone (3.54%), alcoholic (10.03%), aqueous (14.13%); Solubility: Water (9.44 %) & Alcohol (1.16 %); Moisture contents (3.45 %), Total Ash values (6.93%), pH of 1% (6.76) & 10% solution (6.16) and loss on drying (5.3%). Phytochemical Analysis revealed the presence of almost all the phyto-constituents in the test drug sample i.e. alkaloid, flavonoids, glycoside, carbohydrate, tannin, protein, amino acids, starch and resins.
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