Background: Morus plant species possess enormous importance in the field of medicine and Morus laevigata, a white variety of genus Morus, is a popular hybrid species which is highly appreciated for its medicinal properties.
Methods: The present investigation is aimed to study the effect on wound healing capacity of different solvent extracts of Morus laevigata. Further, In-silico binding studies were carried out for a different drug candidates isolated from Morus laevigata taking nitrofurazone as a standard reference and CHIR-98014 as a positive control against glycogen synthase kinase 3-β (GSK3- β) protein.
Results: The results of the wound healing studies revealed that the methanolic extract has better wound healing activity in terms of mean time of epithelization (18.53±0.33 days) and wound breaking strength (1258.33±59.74) when compared to nitrofurazone (16.36±0.08 days and 1683.33±20. 28). Further, the results of the virtual screening revealed that among the three molecules tested, morusin showed minimum binding (-9.47 kJ mol-1) and docking energy (-11.35 kJ mol-1) when compared with the standard reference nitrofurazone (-6.03 kJ mol-1 and -6.29 kJ mol-1).
Conclusion: the active constituents isolated from Morus laevigata supports the wound healing ability of the different solvent extracts in terms of different binding models.
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