In present study Hydroalcoholic extracts of Parkinsonia aculeata L. seeds and Ananas comosus L. fruits were examined to assess for effectiveness against the rotenone induced Parkinson symptoms. Hydroalcoholic extracts of both the plants were prepared. Formulation was prepared using suitable suspending agent and suspension was subjected to evaluation of organoleptic property and physicochemical property. Rotenone (1.5 mg/kg, s.c, dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide and sesame oil) was given in animals on alternate day for 28 days after 30 min of administration of extracts. The treatments were given daily starting from the first day of rotenone injection and continued thereafter for a total period of 28 days. Behavioural scores, catalepsy score and locomotion activity were determined for each animal before the start of experiments and then regularly at the interval of 7 days and last observation were done after the 24 hrs. of last dose. Behavioural score and catalepsy score were increase at each weekly interval in control group, where as administration of Parkinsonia aculeate L. seed extract at the dose 200 mg/kg and Ananas comosus L. at the dose 250 mg/kg were able to reverse the both the score to significant level (P< 0.05) while locomotor activity was reduced in control group and that was increased by administration of both the plant extracts. While formulation containing both the plant extracts were able to reverse both the score at P<0.01 and locomotor score were increased by administration of formulation. From the present study we can concluded that hydroalcoholic extracts of both plants were effective against the rotenone induced parkinsonism.
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