Honey samples from five different floral origins were analysed through solid phase microextraction (SPME) with objective to identify and compare their volatile organic compound profile. In addition, the levels of water, HMF, free proline, total acidity, diastase activity and sugar content have also been reported. The samples showed adequate water and HMF content. Total phenolics varied from 75.6 to 98.5mg/g, while total flavonoids were comprised between 1.86 and 4.93mg/g, expressed as quercetin equivalents (the lowest and highest values were also found for Eucalyptus honey and neem honey, respectively). The IC50 value for DPPH has been found to be ranged from 4.97 to 9.45mg/ml. The highest DPPH RSA was found in Eucalyptus honey, followed by mustard honey and neem honey.
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