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Aromatase enzyme, Male infertility, Obesity.

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Ula M. AL-Kawaz, AL-Ani, N. K. ., & Wassef, H. F. . (2015). ESTIMATION OF AROMATASE ENZYME IN OBESE INFERTILE MEN. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 4(6), 1820-1826. Retrieved from


Male obesity is associated with physiological changes that can negatively affect male fertility. Obese men have demonstrated a 3-fold increase in the prevalence of oligozoospermia when compared with men with normal Body Mass IndexBMI .The experiment was conducted to find the correlation between Aromatase enzyme and FSH, LH, E2 , testosterone and BMI.

Seventy obese infertile male (patients) and twenty obese fertile male (control) are enrolled in this study. Aromatase enzyme, FSH, LH, E2 and testosterone hormones were measured in their serum.Median human cytochrome enzyme level was significantly higher in patients than in control group, 87.55 versus 56.95, (P= 0.014). In patients group, a significant positive correlation was found between human cytochrome enzyme, FSH and LH. The present study showed  clearly that male obesity negatively impacts fertility through changes in hormone levels. The results suggest that increased estrogen as a result of aromatization in the fatty tissue, reflected through the increase in human cytochrome enzyme (aromatase), may be an important mechanism for the hypoandrogenemia and altered sperm parameters.

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