This study was induced to record the clinical signs and calcium levels in cases of induce calcium deficiency in Awassi ewes and to investigate the changes of these parameters after treatment. A study included sixty one Awassi ewes, ages ranged between 2-2.5 years and body weigh between 35-45 kg, divided to fourgroups: group one included ten ewes induce in hypocalcaemia and then treated, group two included ten ewes with clinical case: suffering from hypocalcaemia within area of Ab-Grab, group three included thirty ewes suffering from hypocalcaemia in Hours racing of Al-Amara, and group four included ten ewes considered as control group. Group one and four have a preparation period for one month. During this period they fed the same dietary material consist of concentrate and green forage, and injected Ivermectin subcutaneously and multivitamin intramuscularly and gave mineral block and drainage by Vimazole orally, then examined to insure no present of nutritional diseases, then induce hypocalcaemia in group one by injection of Na2EDTA in jugular vein, then take blood samples by different time besides recording the clinical signs. After clinical signs appear group one treated by using one of calcium compound which is Ca Gluconate monohydrate in three doses for two weeks. At the end period of treatment, blood samples was taken for this group.
Results showed a significant difference (P<0.05) in temperature, pulse and respiration in all groups compared with control group, as well as, the measurement of calcium levels in serum.
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