N-chloroisonicotinamide (NCIN), has been found to possess pharmacological activity. It has significant effect on locomotor activity, when compared with the standard drug Chlorpromazine. The results of gross behavioral assessment indicates that the active compound produce a depressant effect on the central nervous system. The compound, NCIN has significant anti-convulsant action against MES induced convulsion, when compared with the standard drug phenytoin. The kinetic study of oxidation of an aromatic diether, p-methylbenzaldehyde di-n-butyl acetal by the pharmacologically active N-halo compound, N- chloroisonicotinamide, has been carried out. The reaction follows first order dependence of rate on [substrate] and [oxidant]. The rate increases with the decrease in dielectric constant of the medium. Variation of ionic strength and the addition of isonicotinamide has significant effect on the reaction rate. The stoichiometry and product analysis have been carried out. From the effect of temperature on the reaction rate, the Arrhenius and thermodynamic activation parameters have been calculated.
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