Now-a-days, orodispersible drug delivery systems are extensively used to improve bioavailability and patient compliance. Over the past three decades, orodispersible tablets (ODTs) have gained considerable attention as a preferred alternative to conventional tablets and capsules due to better patient compliance, improved solubility and stability profiles. The purpose of the article is to review potential advancements of ODT technology in drug delivery applications. Various techniques employed to prepare ODTs include direct compression method, freeze drying, spray drying, tablet moulding, sublimation and mass extrusion. ODTs could be preferred choice especially with those drugs sensitive to GI and for patients under category of pediatrics, geriatrics, bedridden, postoperative and who may have difficulty in swallowing the conventional tablets and capsules.ODTs are solid dosage forms containing medicinal substances which disintegrate rapidly, usually in a matter of seconds, when placed on the tongue.ODTs render enhanced acceptability due to its patient compliance as well as improved bioavailability and stability. This article reviews recent trends undertaken to develop ODTs, new ODTs technologies, suitability of drug candidate and characterization of ODTs.
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