Peer Review, UGC Care
An overview of Novel Drug Delivery Systems for Acne
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Acne, Antibiotics, Drug Delivery System, Liposomes, Microsphere, Oral contraceptives

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Singh, N. ., Singh , M. ., & Panwar , S. . (2019). An overview of Novel Drug Delivery Systems for Acne. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 8(4), 01-12.


Acne vulgaris is a type of chronic disease of the skin which is mainly caused by the blockage in the sebaceous gland or having any inflammation in those glands which is together is known as pilosebaceous units. It mainly affects the areas having the highest number of sebaceous follicles; those are the face, the back and upper region of the chest. It is a disease that mainly affects the adolescent age group but can be found in any age group. These are present as inflammatory pustules, papules, cysts and nodules, non-inflammatory closed comedones (whiteheads), ripen comedones (blackheads), or a mixture of lesions. Acne is most commonly seen in almost every human being at some point in their lives. There are 20-25 chances of progression of acne to the severe case which leads to permanent scarring. These complications lead to psychological problems like depression, social isolation, lowered self-esteem, and lowered self-confidence. The aim of treating acne is to prevent severe and long-term complications. The present review focuses on novel drug delivery systems for the treatment of acne. It also includes conventional treatments currently available in the market, its limitation and different strategies to overcome these limitations.
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How to cite this article:

Singh N, Singh M and Panwar S. An overview on Novel Drug Delivery Systems for Acne. Int. J. Res. Dev. Pharm. L. Sci. 2019; 8(4): 1-12. doi: 10.13040/IJRDPL.2278-0238.8(4).1-12

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