Peer Review, UGC Care
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BMI, Diabetic, Hs-crp, vascular complication.

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Bhaktha, G. ., Shantaram, M. ., Nayak, S. ., & Nagendra S. (2014). RELATIONSHIP OF HS-CRP LEVEL IN DIABETIC PERSONS FREE FROM MICRO AND MACROVASCULAR DISEASE. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 3(4), 1070-1073. Retrieved from


C-reactive protein is considered as one of the most sensitive markers of systemic inflammation. Studies have found that increase in the levels of C- reactive protein is associated with the vascular complications.

Hence we aimed in finding the correlation of hs-crp with other risk factors like BMI, FBS and HbA1c in diabetic subjects who have still not developed any micro and macrovascular complications. 229 cases of type 2 diabetics and 205 healthy individuals were selected as per the criteria. BMI was calculated, FBS was estimated by glucose-oxidase peroxidase method. Hs-crp was estimated by immunoturbidometric technique. The group was divided into low risk and high risk group as per their hs-crp level. Correlation was seen with other factors like BMI, FBS and HbA1c. The level of Hs-crp was high in diabetic subjects when compared to normal individuals. Further when the diabetic subjects were divided into high risk and low risk groups, the difference between the groups were statistically significant. Hs-crp failed to show any correlation with BMI, FBS and HbA1c. Diabetes is considered as an inflammatory disease hence we observed an increase in the hs-crp level in diabetes than in the normal. Since the vascular complication was totally absent hs-crp failed to show any correlation with BMI, FBS and HbA1c.

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