In Ethiopia, access to improved water supply and sanitation was estimated at 38% and 12% respectively. Three- fourth of the health problems of children in Ethiopia are communicable diseases due to polluted water and improper water handling practices. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the microbiological quality of drinking water sources in rural communities of Dire Dawa Administrative Council (Adada Peasant Association). A cross-sectional study was conducted from February 2011 to May 2011. Microbiological water quality parameters were analyzed using the membrane filtration method. Water analysis demonstrated that all water sources in the study area were contaminated with total coliforms and fecal coliform. The fact that, about 83.34% of the water sample was positive for indicator bacteria shown that the three selected Peasant Associations had risk of contamination. High concentration of microbiological indicators in all water sources of this study area have demonstrated the presence of pathogenic organisms which constitute a threat to anyone consuming or in contact with these waters. The majority of the drinking water sources is either of unacceptable quality or grossly polluted. Regular quality control mechanisms need to be in place to ensure safety of drinking water.
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