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Spirulina platensis , Depression, Imipramine, 5-HT, L-dopa, Clonidine.

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Suresh D, Madhu M, Saritha Ch, Raj kumar V, & Shankaraiah P. (2014). ANTIDEPRESSANT ACTIVITY OF SPIRULINA PLATENSIS IN EXPERIMENTALLY INDUCED DIPRESSION IN MICE. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 3(3), 1026-1035. Retrieved from


The spray dried powder of Spirulina platensis was used to treatment of depression in different doses (100mg/kg, 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg) and Impramine (15mg/kg) as standard drug in experimental animal models like Forced swim test in mice, Tail suspension test in mice, Clonidine induced aggression behaviour in mice test, L-dopa induced hyper activity and aggressive behavior in mice, 5-HT induced head twitches in mice, From all the experimental model results were observed that the Spirulina platensis was possess the dose dependent anti depressant activity.

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How to cite your article:

Suresh D., Madhu M., Saritha Ch., Raj kumar V., Shankaraiah P., “Antidepressant activity of Spirulina platensis in experimentally induced dipression in mice”, Int. J. Res. Dev. Pharm. L. Sci., 2014, 3(3), pp. 1026-1035.

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