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Terminalia Catappa linn., hematological & biochemical parameter, acute & chronic toxicity.

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Arjariya, S. ., Nema, N. ., & Tiwari, S. . (2013). INVESTIGATE THE TOXICOLOGICAL EFFECT ON AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF TERMINALIA CATAPPA LINN. IN RAT. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 2(5), 596-601. Retrieved from


Terminalia catappa (almond) is a combretaceous plant whose leaves are widely used as a folk medicine for treatments of dermatitis, hepatitis, inflammatory disease, diabetes and other disease. This investigation was conceded out to evaluate the safety of aqueous extract of Terminalia catappa Linn. by determining its potential toxicity in rats. Study on acute toxicity of extract found to be safe at the doses 2000mg/kg body weight orally as per OECD guidelines No.423. General behavior, sign of tremors, adverse effects and mortality activity were determined for up to 14 days. In the chronic toxicity study, the aqueous extract of Terminalia Catappa linn. was administered orally at doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg once in a week for 6 weeks to rats. Biochemical and  hematological parameters were determined after 6 weeks. In the acute study in rats, there was no toxicity/ death was observed at the dose of 2000mg/kg b.w. The onset of toxicity and signs of toxicity also not there. In the chronic toxicity study, no significant treatment-related changes in the levels of hematological, hepatic and renal parameters such as SGOT, SGPT, cholesterol, creatinine, urea, uric acid, protein and glucose, and serum ALP activities were observed at the termination  of the study. It suggests that the aqueous extract of Terminalia catappa linn. does not have significant toxicity. In view of the dose of Terminalia Catappa linn.  devoted in traditional medicine, there is a broad margin of safety for the beneficial use of the aqueous extract of Terminalia catappa linn. leaves.

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