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Domperidone/adverse effects, Gastroesophageal Reflux/drug therapy, Child.

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Amini-Ranjbar , S. ., & Nakhaee, N. . (2013). THE EFFICACY OF DOMPERIDONE IN THE TREATMENT OF CHILDHOOD GATROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE: REPORT OF 220 CASES. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 2(5), 583-586. Retrieved from


The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and side effects of domperidone in childhood gastroesophageal reflux disease. This outcome study was done on 220 children (1month -15years) referred with reflux-related gastrointestinal and extra gastrointestinal symptoms during 3 years. Upper endoscopy with biopsy was performed in all subjects except in infants with apnea. Trial therapy was begun with domperidone (0.6mg/kg/BID) 30 minutes before meal. The efficacy and side effects were evaluated in 4-week follow up. Those free of symptom were considered as positive therapeutic response. In children with esophagitis, omeprazol was prescribed for 3 months too. Follow up continued monthly for three months and then every 3-6 months up to 2 years. Mean age of subjects was ±3.5 years. There was no significant different between two sex(female=55%, male=45%).There was poor correlation between clinical symptoms with endoscopic and histologic findings (100%, 66.4%, 82.7%). Majority of the patients (85.5%) responded to the treatment in 4 weeks. There was no significant relationship between age, sex and clinical symptoms with response to domperidone. Although side effects were observed in 22.4%, but the most frequent side effect (15%) was loose stool .Moreover this complication (constipation) was beneficial in relieving simultaneous reflux related constipation. Serious complications such as extrapyramidal signs were observed only in 0.5%. According to this study, domperidone with few side effects can be efficient for the treatment of reflux in children with any gastrointestinal or extra- gastrointestinal symptom regardless of the sex or age group, moreover further study for finding out rare complications is suggested too.


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