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Diclofenac sodium (DIC), Tolperisone hydrochloride (TOL), Ultraviolet spectrophotometry, Q - Analysis method and First order method.

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Mahaparale S. P., Shinde S. S., & Nirmal P. N. (2013). SIMULTANEOUS UV-SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ESTIMATION OF DICLOFENAC AND TOLPERISONE HYDROCHLORIDE IN TABLET DOSAGE FORM. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 2(5), 574-579. Retrieved from


Diclofenac sodium is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) taken to reduce inflammation and as an analgesic reducing pain in certain conditions. Tolperisone hydrochloride is a piperidine derivative, is a centrally-acting muscle relaxant. Two simple, accurate and economic methods; Q analysis and first order derivative method have been described for the simultaneous spectrophotometric estimation of Diclofenac sodium and Tolperisone hydrochloride in tablet dosage form. Absorption maxima of Diclofenac sodium and Tolperisone hydrochloride in distilled water were found to be 275.0 nm and 260.0 nm respectively. Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range 5-50 µg/ml for Diclofenac and 5-60 µg/ml for Tolperisone hydrochloride. In Q analysis method, absorbances were measured at the selected wavelengths, 237.0 nm (isoabsorptive point) and 260.0 nm (λmax of Tolperisone). In first order derivative method, zero crossing point of Diclofenac sodium and Tolperisone hydrochloride were selected at 275.0 nm and 260.0 nm respectively. The analysis of binary pharmaceutical formulation was carried by both methods. Results of two methods were validated statistically by recovery studies and were found to be satisfactory.

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