Fluoride is found to be an important trace element playing a key role in the dental and skeletal formation in humans. It is generally believed that including human being consume fluoride largely from drinking water sources and the total daily intake of fluoride by individuals from water and other sources varies from place to place depending on the amount of fluoride availability in water and other sources including food. Earlier it was believed that food was not a rich source of fluoride for humans but it is now well documented that certain types of food can have high fluoride content. Therefore the present research work is to study the fluoride content in leafy vegetable samples(amaranthus) collected from five different gram panchayat’s(villages) of Nalgonda district by using kit colour comparison method and report the fluoride content in the collected samples. finally it was found that the fluoride content in all the samples were found to ranging from 2.20-2.85mg/kg which is considered to be under safe zone(0.3-2.8mg/kg) and consumption of this leafy vegetables will not affect the humans.
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