Aim of the present work was to develop and evaluate a solid self-emulsifying drug delivery system (SEDDS) for oral poorly water-soluble drug lornoxicam. The liquid (SEDDS) consisted of capmul MCM as oil phase, tween 20 as surfactant and PEG 400 as co-surfactant. Oil, surfactant and co-surfactant were selected on the basis of solubilisation capacity of drug and emulsification ability of surfactant and co-surfactants. The formulations were optimized by constructing the pseudo-ternary phase diagram. The liquid formulation was solidified by laboratory scale spray dryer, using Aerosil 200 as solid carrier. The solid SEDDS shows greater drug release thus, solid SEDDS improves the oral bioavailability and may provide the useful solid dosage form for oral poorly water soluble drugs.
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