Limonia acidissima (Family: Rutaceae.) is an important medicinal plant having applications in various disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-oxidant and cyto-toxic activities of the stem-bark of Limonia acidissima (Family: Rutaceae.) The stem bark of the plant Limonia acidissima was sun dried and extracted using methanol. Later the crude methanolic extract was fractionated into two different solvents using Petroleum ether and chloroform. The anti-oxidant activity of the different fractions was measured by the DPPH free radical scavenging activity. The chloroform soluble fractions showed very potent anti-oxidant activity by the DPPH free radical scavenging method. Evaluation of cyto-toxic activity was done using the brine-shrimp lethality bio-assay. The petroleum ether soluble fraction soluble fractions showed significant cyto-toxic potential with LC50 values of 0.2779 µg/ml.
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