In this study, fenofibrate was examined both in vitro and in vitro. Its antioxidant activity in vitro was screened using DPPH assay; and specific antioxidant activity was observed using nitric oxide (NO•) assay, hydroxyl radical (•OH) assay and TBARS assay. The same substance was administered in mice to observe its antioxidant enzyme – GSH) and catalase - induction, inhibition of serum transaminases –SGPT and SGOT, and lipid lowering activities. It was observed in vitro that DPPH (IC50 > 0.38 mg/mL), NO• (IC50 = 22.81 µg/mL) and lipid peroxidation (IC50 = 30.37 mg/mL) was inhibited but not •OH (SC50 < 0.05 mg/mL). In vivo experimentation for lipid peroxidation showed that TBARS concentration was decreased by 24.79% while increasing concentrations of both GSH and catalase. Serum transaminases were reduced by 3.65% and 8.93%, respectively. Lipid profiling showed a decline in triglycerides and low density lipoproteins by 54.87% and 16.67%, correspondingly; while the amount of high density lipoproteins was augmented by 45.13%. Fenofibrate scavenges of free radicals, stimulates •OH production that may increase body’s defense against pathogens, boosts liver antioxidant enzyme against free radicals, and lowers serum transaminases. The results strongly suggest that fenofibrate, aside from its lipid-lowering activity may also provide antioxidant defenses.
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Clifford DP, Repine JE. (1982). Hydrogen peroxide mediated killing of bacteria. Mol Cell Biochem. 49(3): 143-149.
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El-Gendy KS, Aly NM. Mahmoud FH, Kenawy A, El- Sebae AKH. (2010). The role of vitamin C as antioxidant in protection of oxidative stress induced by imidacloprid. Food Chem Toxicol. 48: 215-221.
Halliwell F, Gutteridge J: “Free radicals in biology and medicine”, Oxford University Press , United States of America, Ed 4th, 2007.
Almo S, Smith DL, Danishefsky AT, Ringe D. (1994). The structural basis for the altered substrate specificity of the R292D active site mutant of aspartate aminotransferase from E. coli. Protein Eng. 7(3): 405–12.
Tsimihodimos V, Miltiadous G, Daskalopoulou S, Mikhailidis D, Elisaf M. (2005). Fenofibrate: Metabolic and pleiotropic effects. Curr Vasc Pharamcol. 3: 87-98.
Moberly J.B, Attman PO, Samuelesson O, Johansson AC, Knight-Gibson C, Alaupovic P. (1999). Apolipoprotein C- III, hypertriglyceridemia and triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in uremia. Miner Electrol Metab. 25(4-6): 258-562.

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