In past decade great interest got generated on replacing conventional administration of drug by delivery system which would release effective quantities from a protected supply at a controlled rate over a long period of time. An appropriately designated controlled release drug delivery system can be are major advance toward solving problems concerning targeting of a drug to a specific organ or a tissue and controlling the rate of a drug delivery to the target site. Matrix system are favoured because of their simplicity, patient compliance etc, than traditional drug delivery(TDS) which have many drawbacks like repeated administration, fluctuation in blood concentration level etc. Developing oral sustained release matrix tablet with constant release rate has always been a challenge to the pharmaceutical technologist. Most of drugs, if not formulated properly, may readily release the drug at a faster rate, and are likely to produce toxic concentration of the drug on oral administration. Hydrophilic polymers have become product of choice as an important ingredient for formulating sustained release formulations.
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