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ligustrum ovalifolium , pharmacological study.

How to Cite

Matoli, H. ., Mangal, A. ., Vashistha, P. ., Jain, M. ., & Chokotia, love S. . (2013). REVIEW ON PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF LIGUSTRUM OVALIFOLIUM. International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy & Life Sciences, 2(4), 474-477. Retrieved from


The identification of privet in the middle southern United States can be difficult. Because most introduced species of privet can be invasive, and recent mapping projects seek location and species population data, proper identification is important. Ligustrum is currently marketed as a treatment for strengthening the immune system, R 3\05\ 9and on this basis is often recommended for use by people undergoing treatment for cancer or HIV. There is no meaningful scientific evidence that ligustrum provides any benefit for these, or any other, conditions. Very weak evidence from test-tube and animal studies hints that ligustrum might have anti-parasitic, 1 anti-viral, 2l iver-protective , 3immunomodulatory (this means “altering” immune function, rather than, as commonly misunderstood, “strengthening” it), 4,5 and cancer-preventive 6 effects. However, this evidence is too preliminary to rely upon at all. Ligustrum ovalifolium are used the activities of hypotensive activity, hypoglycemic activity, anti inflammatory activity and antioxidant activity.

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